Cinematographer | Content Creation

Marylin Muro

Your story can change the world.   

I am a Cinematographer & Content Creator who is here to tell a story.

I believe people search their whole lives to find something beautiful worth stopping to look at it...I am here to show you something beautiful. In a world filled with pain and hate, I want to remind people that there is joy and hope in this world.

How do you bring joy to those around you?

~ About Me ~

So Who Am I Anyway? 

I come from a family of 6 and I was very blessed to grow up in a household that allowed me to explore my creative ambitions. I was raised in a Mexian-American Catholic household and I truly loved it. I have a lot of beautiful memories from my childhood that I have my parents to thank, I'm able to pursue my dreams because of them. My journey brought me to film school and allowed me develope my skills behind the camera. While being in school I was able to be apart of more than one hundred film sets and even a few feature films.  I spent most of my college days on any film set I could get on. After being on so many film sets I fell in love with the process even more. I had a lot of great people guide me through this fun journey and I continue to meet more amazing people through the film community.  I hope to make films that inspire and bring joy back into this world.  

Why Film? 

 My purpose behind the camera is to help others be seen, especially those who have been casted aside. Which is why I choose to work with local companies or small businesses. I want people to see what I see, there is a lot good in the world that is covered up by negativity and all it takes is a simple smile or a "Good Morning" to a stranger. The wonderful thing about filmmaking is that it takes many people to make a movie, we need each other to make anything happen. It taught me how to work with all kinds of people. I've met some of my closest friends on film sets, it's interesting how arguing and creating art at the same time will bring people together. 

Smile be happy and make those around you happy.

Film Families I've made along the way...

Book Now! 


Cell: (949)-235-3081 
